Monday, July 12, 2010

be all that you can be.......for you!

i don't think i have ever had so much fun watching my child make a huge mess.  i don't think i have ever had so much fun cleaning up a huge mess my child has made.  painting lasted for about 10 minutes before the kiddos figured out that the "paint" tasted good.  watching akina be creative brings out the child in me, the one that i forget is there a lot of the time.  it also helps to bring out my creativity so that i can come up with new projects and fun activities for us to do.  i dream of being the perfectly balanced parent whose child is whimsical, creative, talented and oh so intelligent.  what will she be when she grows up?  a kiss my afterburn test pilot, a pink haired punk drummer, an amazing artist with galleries everywhere fighting to show her creations, the scientist that finds the cure for an uncurable disease.  what will my little jazz be when he grows up?  a julliard trained classical musician, lead singer of an epic band (who, of course, writes his own songs and plays instruments!), a neurosurgeon that saves lives, a world famous writer.  i have high expectations for my children.  i want them to realize and live up to their potential, be unafraid to be who they want to be, unlike their mother.  i have hidden behind excuses for so much of my life because i was and am afraid of what i could actually accomplish.  but, how do you not pass on those traits to your children?  they see everything.  even the insecurities and bad habits you don't want them to see.  knowing that it doesn't matter what everyone else thinks of them as long as they are true to themselves.  being kind and accepting to and of everyone.  be phenomenal, caring, tough, kindhearted people.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

crazy cookie fun

it was so fun to watch what she did to decorate the cookies.  and unbelievable to me how hard it was not to stifle her creativity and tell her how she was "supposed to do it".  i'm so glad i didn't though because what she did was so much better than having a bunch of cookies that looked the same.  who needs uniform cookies, akina's cookies were made to stand out and i know she will be one who stands out for the rest of her life. :-)  next project (thanks to nai nai's idea) finger painting with pudding.  maybe we'll see if a friend wants to come over and do that activity with akina. ;-)