Tuesday, June 29, 2010

the movement has started! :-o

it happened last night, the first milestone in the journey of movement, my bug rolled over from his back to his tummy.  all it did was make him mad since he is not a fan of being on his tummy, but mommy and daddy were sitting there clapping and telling him how rad he is.  again, he really couldn't have cared less.  there was that little part of my heart that started aching, thinking about how quickly he is growing up already.  3 months old, but it feels like he has been a part of our lives forever.  sometimes i get too caught up in the things i need to get done each day, or so frustrated that there never seems to be an end to the whining, fussing or temper tantrums, that i forget to stop and enjoy the simple things with my duo.  like the beauty of the dandelion that akina picked and thinks is the most beautiful flower in the world, simply because it's a flower.  or the smiles that jazz is more than willing to share just when you look at him, the look of amazement on his face when he is looking at his hand and moving it around and figuring out that it belongs to him.  the hugs that akina comes up and gives me around the neck when i am changing jasper's diaper.  where does the time go and why don't i remember more of those precious treasured moments?  i definitely need to treasure these moments more often so that i have no regrets when the duo is older.

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