Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wait, where's my S? Oh yeah, SuperMom i'm not!

my dynamic duo.  i look at photos like this and i wonder how i can ever get frustrated, upset or irritated with them.  but i'm human and i do, sometimes way too easily it seems.  for example, today akina has decided that everything she says needs to be said a dozen times.  so all morning (all 2 hours that we have been up) i have been hearing "train, train, train, train" "hair, hair, hair, hair" "noise, noise, noise, noise" "all done, all done, all done, all done".  it's about to drive me up the wall.  i know that she is learning new words everyday, she is trying to put together sentences, and she wants me to be excited that she knows what to say, but sometimes the repeater thing makes me want to beat my head against the wall.  unfortunately, my frustration with hearing the same word 20 times in a row does get directed toward akina sometimes.  i feel horrible about this after telling her to be quiet and that she only needs to say things once, because she is just trying to figure out if she's right and how to express herself.  maybe it's bothering me more than usual today since it has been raining for about 5 days straight and we haven't really gotten a chance to go outside and play.  there is no break other than nap time when you are trapped in a house.  we ventured out to the mall yesterday with a friend, but then it was "walk, walk, walk, walk"  ok, you can walk, but don't touch anything.  if you touch, you have to get back in the stroller.  she makes it for about 2 minutes and then starts touching everything.  back into the stroller where i then, again, get to hear "walk, walk, walk, walk" except this time the whine in her voice is increasing with each time she says it.  when she figures out that she isn't going to get to walk anymore then she starts with "potty, potty, potty, potty" (eyes rolling!)  don't get me wrong, i am thrilled she is potty training, this time it is just an excuse to get out of the stroller.  we go to the bathroom, where jasper decides to start screaming (in a VERY echoey bathroom) and akina sits on the toilet for about 5 seconds and then starts wriggling off saying "all done". at this point she has no shoes on, she's half naked, there's a screaming infant and my concern is getting a new diaper on my child.  i leave her trainer that i had taken off of her on the floor with the full intention of going back and throwing it away once she was clothed again.  every single stall was open and available, every single one, and the woman that came in the bathroom while i was putting akina's diaper on went around the stroller that was parked in front of the first stall and then into the first stall.  so she got to kick a wet trainer out of the way.  when she came out i apologized and told her that i was going to throw the trainer away as soon as my daughter was in order.  she gave me the dirtiest look and was apparently so offended by the way that i handled things, left without washing her hands.  anyway, the lady is really not the point of the story.  my whole point is that unless we go somewhere where akina can get out, run around and be able to touch whatever she wants, it just seems like a whole lot of hard work and frustration for me, so i am then unmotivated to get the duo out of the house on rainy days.  it's a vicious circle.  i am considering looking into what it would take to start a mother's day out here in sioux falls.  we don't have one and i know, at least for me, just 1 day a week when i could get some things done without the duo around would be awesome.  i can't find a daycare that's willing to take kiddos for 1 day a week and i'm not sure i could afford it even if they would.  i wish i was one of those supermom's that always have fun activities planned for their kids, never gets tired of being around them and has patience as far as the eye can see. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh honey! Supermom is a myth! Even Mary, mother of Jesus, got frustrated with her son (and HE was perfect!), so how can you expect to be different? You are a great mom! As to having great activities at hand, there are some cool websites I found this year to use in my teaching, and some of them are aimed at moms.... so if you've run out of ideas, google it!
